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utility construction needs

Versatile Utility construction from concept to completion

Communication Data Link is a dependable, full-service utility construction company with over two decades of experience. We understand the diverse needs and unique requirements of the industry, making us a reliable choice and one-stop shop for any type of utility service need. Our team of dedicated professionals specialize in a variety of project types including underground and aerial construction, engineering and permitting, damage investigation and more. Headquartered in Iowa, our services extend nationwide, allowing us to take on out-of-state customers and projects anywhere in the U.S.

We recognize the need for honest service that our customers can rely on, and are always striving to offer the most practical and cost-effective solutions. Through our “concept to completion” strategy, we take the time to understand each customer’s vision and master the execution, allowing them to sit back during the process and show up to a complete product that matches their expectations.

Communication Data Link welcomes the opportunity to demonstrate how we can bring value to any project.

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We provide quality and essential utility construction services to our clients, allowing us to complete any project from permitting to splicing.

Christine Boelman
General Manager, Communication Data Link

the team that understands the vision and masters the execution.

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